Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth

Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Powder | Caltron Clays


Introducing Caltron’s Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth (DE) Powder, a powerful solution targeting a wide range of harmful toxins entering the body:

– Bacteria
– Parasites
– Fungi
– Protozoa
– Viruses (including poliovirus)
– Endotoxins
– Pesticide and drug residues
– E-Coli
– Heavy Metals (including methyl mercury)
– Proteinaceous toxins produced by some intestinal infections

Numerous detrimental substances entering the body carry a positive charge. Food-grade diatomaceous earth, in its amorphous form, is a mineral with semi-conductive properties. Upon exposure to body heat, it acquires a negative charge and releases electrons. These negatively charged mineral ions or individual shells attract and trap harmful microbes, free radicals, positively charged waste, and other toxins. Functioning akin to magnets, the negatively charged shells or ions draw in and absorb positively charged particles small enough to pass through their pores. By binding with a sugar molecule, toxins can be ensnared within the porous diatomaceous earth particle and safely eliminated from the body. Due to their potent charge, each shell can absorb a considerable quantity of positively charged substances, whether chemical, bacterial, or viral, facilitating their removal from the body as they traverse the digestive system.

Upon ingestion, diatomaceous earth operates through three primary mechanisms:

As it traverses the stomach and digestive tract, it attracts and absorbs various harmful entities, including bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses (including poliovirus), pesticide and drug residues, E. coli, heavy metals (such as methyl mercury), and proteins, potentially including those produced by certain intestinal infections. These toxins are entrapped and subsequently excreted from the body. Moreover, any larger parasites present in the stomach or digestive tract are rendered inactive by the sharp edges of diatomaceous earth, without harming beneficial gut bacteria. These actions contribute to a healthier body and reduced susceptibility to illness, often resulting in an improved sense of well-being reported by many users.

A fraction of diatomaceous earth is absorbed into the bloodstream as silica. Silica aids in breaking down unhealthy fats and has been observed to lower cholesterol levels by an average of 40-50 points, as well as decrease high blood pressure in numerous individuals.

Diatomaceous earth’s inherent hardness, comparable to a 7 on the Mohs scale (with diamonds at 9), is significant. As the minuscule, rigid cylinders of diatomaceous earth pass through the intestines, they effectively “scrub” the intestinal walls. With regular intake over several months, this action removes accumulated mucus and molds, leaving the intestines clean. This cleansing contributes to regular bowel movements, a healthier colon, and increased nutrient absorption, translating to heightened energy levels and reduced need for sleep.

Additionally, silica intake via diatomaceous earth offers various health benefits:

  • Lowering high blood pressure
  • Reducing cholesterol levels, often by 40-50 points within two weeks
  • Alleviating joint discomfort, as silica is crucial for maintaining bone health and preventing osteoporosis
  • Enhancing skin health and appearance, as silica supports connective tissue integrity and moisture retention
  • Promoting hair growth and strength, as silica is a vital component of hair structure
  • Strengthening teeth and gums, preventing cavities, gum disease, and tooth decay
  • Fortifying nails, improving their appearance, hardness, and resistance to breakage

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